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মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয় গ্ৰন্থাগাৰ

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Reading is an individual activities and it evokes strong feelings in one’s mind. It is natural that everyone like to share his/her feelings, to talk with others who also read same book to see if they share same opinion or not. The Book Club of MDKG College Library is initiated on 10-01-2017 and it aims to provide an opportunity to talk about our reading experiences rather than the book itself. It helps the readers to read and broaden their world outlook and give them opportunity to express themselves.
To promote love for books
To establish reading habit
To explore readers to a variety of literature
To recognise need for information
To develop information seeking behaviour i.e skills to search/ use required information
To provide a social context for promoting literacy.
The organisational structure of the Book Club is as follows:
Patron: Dr. Nibedita Phukan, Principal, MDKG College
Dr. Utpal Sut, Coordinator, IQAC
Facilitator: Mr Jadavjyoti Saikia, Librarian
Coordinator: Dr Shekhar Purkayastha Asso. Professor, Dept of Bengali.
Faculty Member:
Mr Aniruddha Dutta, Asso. Professor, Dept of Assamese.
Dr(Ms) Rizia Begum Laskar, Assistant Professor, Dept of English
Ms Shrutimala Bharali, Assistant Professor, Dept of English
Student Members: 25 numbers of Student members with a tenure of 3(three) years maximum.
The members of the club meet together at first Saturday of each month and discuss on predetermined book/topic/ story/poem/ article etc. All the members take proactive role on the discussion and there is a provision of lead critic for particular discussion. The club is engaged in activities like organising competition among students and popular talks inviting lecture from outside.
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