মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয় গ্ৰন্থাগাৰ

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Library Mission & Vision
The mission of our library is to supplement and complement the teaching –learning process of the college; for that library will provide-
Facilities for the selection, organization, access, and preservation of sources of knowledge in all formats;
Exemplary information services designed to fulfill the needs of a great public research university;
Inspirational environments for collaborative and individual discovery, study, and learning
The Library is a partner in the creative exploration, intellectual growth, and scholarly pursuits of the College. To that end, the Library will:
Invest in user experiences that inspire the creation, discovery, and sharing of knowledge:
Provides Services
Provides Physical Spaces
Provides Virtual Spaces
Provide expertise, services, and tools that prominently position the Library throughout the life cycle of research, teaching, and learning.
Integrates innovative approaches to how the Libraries develop, disseminate, and preserve collection and information resources.