মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয় গ্ৰন্থাগাৰ

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There are various sections in the Library for smooth functioning and better usability of services and facilities.
1. Property Counter : For deposit personal belongings before entering the Library.
2. Reprography Section : Space for Xerography for users at a nominal price.
3. Processing section : All the Technical jobs have been done here.
4. Circulation section : the process of book issue and return is done here.
5. Internet Section : here free internet access facility is provided top users.
6. Reading Space : This space is used for book consultation with capacity of 80 users at a time.
7. Stack Area : The main stack area is used to accommodate the general and text books subject wise.
8.Reference Section : All the general reference and subject reference books are arranged in this section
9. Section for Back Volumes : Back volumes of selected back volumes is arranged here in bound forms.
10. Current Periodical Section : Newspapers and Current periodicals are displayed used for consultation in this section.